Well gang, we’re in the home stretch – less than a week to go and only $153 or so needed to cross the finish line. With that in mind I want to thank everyone who’ve gotten us to this point. And also with that in mind, here are some tips for those that want to partake in a Kickstarter of their own: keep up with Thank You’s and start your fulfillment EARLY!

Second, after reviewing all my backers and seeing how much left we have to raise, I came to the realization that this thing is going to get funded. Not to sound smug or count my chickens and all, but with a buck fifty to go, it’s pretty obvious we are going to hit our goal. Which then led me to realize: hot damn but I am going to have to do a TON of sketches! And as my friend @TonyDonley tweeted me, it’s really important to start getting your fulfillment done EARLY:
@Michael_Dolce Get started as fast as you can. It took me a month and a half to get all ours done.
— Tony Donley (@TonyDonley) April 5, 2014
So yes, not to be presumptuous, but i better get drawing!
Less than 2 weeks left – back our project now!