Working a Day Job While Trying To Do Comics

2017-04-05T08:57:35-04:00January 8th, 2014|Blog|

So many of you are in the same boat as me. You want to do comics BUT you also need to pay the bills. And you're trying...believe me I know. Whether you are a writer, artist, colorist or swami, the delicate act of balancing comics with making a living is tough. Unless, you reach the [...]

Working a Day Job While Trying To Do Comics

2017-04-05T08:57:27-04:00January 8th, 2014|Blog|

So many of you are in the same boat as me. You want to do comics BUT you also need to pay the bills. And you're trying...believe me I know. Whether you are a writer, artist, colorist or swami, the delicate act of balancing comics with making a living is tough. Unless, you reach the [...]

Blogging on a Friday Night

2017-04-05T08:57:22-04:00January 3rd, 2014|Blog|

So it's not even officially launched but I'm blogging on a Friday night. Thanks to @brianbish for inspiring this. (Or is it the Miller lite?) But 2014 - oh yeah! Feel really good about where things are at - where things are going - and where things can be in the future. But even more [...]

Secrets of the Sire: WOTI Crossover coming…

2017-04-05T08:57:16-04:00November 8th, 2013|Blog|

Hey folks, long time no chat. Just got a sugarload of PSD pages from our penciler. And happy to start trickling new Sire info your way. So here's the low down. I'm hard at work on Sire #9 as we speak (script AND art duties mind you) The target date is October to release it [...]

If at first you don’t succeed…

2017-04-05T08:57:11-04:00August 24th, 2013|Blog|

Hey folks, So i posted pencils of a panel I was working on (i've since colored it but i'll show you that later) but damn if i didn't eff the chick (whose character's name is Shatter) up. So i redrew it on a separate sheet of board and thru the magic of photoshop will enter [...]

New Blog Site Coming

2017-04-05T08:57:05-04:00August 19th, 2013|Blog|

Brace yourselves folks. I've got a new Blog Site coming devoted strictly to pretty much everything I'm doing. In the meantime, as a follow up from last week, check out the finished colors to the panel i drew. I'm going to redraw the female character (Shatter) though. Wasn't overall pleased with how she turned out. [...]

Wizard World Philadelphia 2013 Sketch Round-up

2017-04-05T08:55:16-04:00June 1st, 2013|Blog|

Just got in from Wizard World Philadelphia and boy is my brain fried. My hand hurts too from all the sketches. But who's complaining? Here is a round-up of some of the sketches done this weekend! Guy Gardner Micro Flash Spidey Lightray (No, Really) Superman (Warmup Sketch) Wolverine

News, Reviews & More

2017-04-05T08:57:00-04:00December 11th, 2012|Blog|

Taking a moment to dish on some of the comics out there keeping me warm this holiday season while I'm hard at work on new issues of The Sire, the Sire App, and our daily web comic stream that's coming soon! Amazing Spider-Man Dan Slott is making me jealous. No really, for years I lay [...]

Secrets of the Sire #11: Sire #7 Off To The Presses!

2017-04-05T08:56:55-04:00January 11th, 2012|Blog|

Happy New Year Everyone! As I write this, I'm putting the final touches on the all-new Sire #7 before I send it off to the printer. To say this is a long time coming is an understatement, and I appreciate everyone's patience and support in getting this new issue completed. (Subsequently, all pre-orders will be [...]

Blogging while drunk

2017-04-05T08:56:51-04:00December 15th, 2011|Blog|

It's not quite as dangerous as driving...but it's close... No but seriously, I'm watching this god awful Thursday night game (f'real why is Jacksonville on national TV again???) And I'm thinking and blogging and tweeting. The comic book industry is changing much like the music industry has already. I can't help but remember the convention [...]

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